Branding & logos

HackEPS logo redesign

This is the process of design I made until found the final one (the one in the left).
It is the redesign of an old logo (shown in red in the last picture), and represents a key combined with a gear with La Seu Vella, the castle of Lleida, inside it.

Chair branding

This an style guide for the branding of a company that builds chairs.
This includes the development of a logo plus its variations guidelines.

Manines Ganga

This is the logo of an artistic group from my degree. We develop a branding to highlight our projects from the rest of the class. The logo itself got some modifications with time and even an animated intro for audiovisual works.

UdL Student Council logos redesign

The graphic image that unifies the 9 logos of the proposal consists of an open book (representing the knowledge of the university) from which the Seu Vella tower emerges (identifier of Lleida and therefore of the UdL itself) and a figure stylized human representing the students. By playing with these elements, components are added that represent each faculty itself.

Social network strategy

Multiple mockups to support a social network strategy project made in my degree. I have experience in community management and marketing.
