Abstract portrait of Jon Gómez

Video Games

Video games portfolio

My experience as a developer is short, but it is increasing by the moment. For now, I consider myself passionate about this industry and a gamer looking for new meaningful experiences.

Master’s portfolio

I have studied a Master’s Degree in Video Game Design and Programming at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Here you can see my complete student work:

Interactive Narrative research paper

Bachelor’s degree research work (TdR)

“La Narrativa Interactiva; Un nou paradigma en l’art de contar històries” (in catalan) is my first ever made research project. Even though I was young when making it, I think it is still valid in its hypothesis about the way we share stories and how interactivity opens a new world of communication for humankind.

This is an example of my interests in the academic field regarding video games and interactivity. I believe in the conjunction of both, the abstract/philosophic academic slope and the practical/actual development of the video game industry.

It also includes a practical part where I compare a “common” linear narrative of a literature story: H.P. Lovecraft’s “Call of Cthulhu” vs the interactive narrative of a video game: Bloodborne (PS4). This way I bring to shape the weaknesses and strengths of each storytelling.

Video essay

Game Jam Games

Bubble Battle! Revolution

Frenetic fighting game of two bubbles pushing their lives to their limits. Video game presented in the biggest in person Game Jam of the world: the Malaga Jam!


Hi there, Captain! Your goal today is to get as far as you can with a new prototype steamboat. But be careful! The ocean is not a place to be distracted; every decision counts!

Manage your steamship’s resources and get the maximum score by trying to keep your boiler as hot as possible.

Operation: gravity

Operation: Gravity is a 360º resource management, tower defense and space invaders video game. A game developed in 48 hours at the Game Jam of the Lan Party of Lleida in Catalan!

If you’re interested in seeing how we made our project, you can access the Git Hub repository with this link! https://github.com/lauraharoescoi/GameJam_2024
