Mechanical Complexity
Developing a new Art Movement
About the project
“The Beautfy Of Complexity” is presented as a theoretical framework that relates the appreciation of the complexity with human cognition and art. In this work it is explored from a theoretical point of view as how practical is the formalization of a new concept named “Mechanical Complexity”.
This project seeks to contribute to the contemporary artistic discourse with a theoretical framework and precise terminology to, in this way, understand and categorize aesthetics rigorously. Additionally, the author’s own artistic style is exposed, exploring new technologies: AI and 3D modeling.
A document with a rigorous academic format that summarizes the project in four sections: introduction, development, results and conclusions.
Blender final results
Mechanical Wired Vehicle
The final project using pulleys and gears is going to consist of a 4-Ieg creature, based on the work by Polyfjord “Brynhild Gyroscope” and following his tutorial “Making a Mechanical Walking Creature in Blender”. This Blender model is the most ambitious of all the project.
Mechanical Animated Loop
Loop animation of a machine which subtracts fluorescent marbles, its energy source to keep going forever, created with Blender, edited with Da Vinci Resolve.
Framed on the Final Degree Project “the Beauty of complexity”, an exploration of a new mechanical complex art movement.
Final document
The document of “The Beauty of Complexity: developing a complex mechanical art style” is the culmination of a Final Degree Project (TFG) at the University of Lleida (UdL), representing extensive research and analysis by a dedicated student.
This document explores the intricate concept of complexity, showcasing the student’s mastery of the subject matter through a systematic examination of theories, examples, and real-world applications. It serves as a remarkable contribution to the field, reflecting the student’s academic prowess, research skills, and intellectual growth, while offering fresh insights and perspectives on the pervasive nature of complexity applied to the mechanisms in the context of art.