Taller del Benestar Website
“El Taller del Benestar” is a space to take care of yourself in mind and spirit located in the city of Lleida. In it, several professionals carry out therapies, workshops and natural treatments for beauty and health.
This website, developed with WordPress on Linux hosting managed with cPanel and with the WooCommerce platform for its e-commerce functionalities.
IAESTE L.C. Lleida
This project required to develop an entire website from zero. I guided my team to create the visual guidelines, a heartbeat website design guidelines, the wireframe, the desktop and mobile prototypes and the final website made using WordPress.
The website was used after by the student association of IAESTE L.C. Lleida.
HackEPS website prototype
This prototype made in Figma was developed before launching the website of a Hackaton hosted by a student association from the UdL, Lleidahack.
In order to achieve this, we also develop design guidelines.
Project: Travel It
This document is the summary of a research and mind storming of an app project. It can be seen as a formal proposal to develop a project, having it a study and prototype with its own branding behind. The layout is also a strong point in this document, made with Adobe InDesign.
Project: Drive It
This project is result of a gamification subject. Presents an app for helping users learn driving cars that could be used by driving schools and particulars.
The document contains the research, main ideas and its layout was made in InDesign.
Usability and Accessibility Evaluation Report
This document is a report of the analysis made to the website CHECK24.
These evaluations are made in order to improve the website and win more users.
The tests and tasks were made with the most professional tools of the sector.